Technology Coordinators, LLC

This page presents all postings in descending order of their “Featured” date as listed under its respective heading to one of the following primary tabs: About, Presentations, Portfolio, News and Search.  This facilitates the identification of content changes for returning website visitors.

Results for "Updates"

Solar Electric Routine Economic Performance Evaluation

Originated: 08/15/2017 - Featured: 04/07/2023 by Rick Romain

Video (~ 23 minutes) –

At the August 15th, 2017 regular meeting of the Lake Havasu Unified School Board, Technology Coordinators presented the economic and objective performance audits conducted over the past approximately  four years of operating their grid-tied solar photovoltaic electric co-generation plants at the District Offices, High School Performance Arts and Library facilities.

Solar Electric Routine Economic Performance Evaluation

LHUSD Solar Four Year School Board Update

News Page Publication

Originated: 04/03/2023 - Featured: 04/03/2023 by Rick Romain

Webpage –

This webpage presents recent postings on regarding Technology Coordinators activities, accomplishments and services in addition to industry related news.

Search Page Publication

Originated: 04/03/2023 - Featured: 04/03/2023 by Rick Romain

Webpage –

This webpage presents a search page which facilitated finding content of specific interests based on search topic, tag, category or achive year.

Updates Page Publication

Originated: 04/03/2023 - Featured: 04/03/2023 by Rick Romain

Webpage –

This webpage presents all content postings featured, in descending order of their respective posting to the main home page, within the following tabs: About, Presentations, Portfolio, News and Search.  This facilitates the identification of new content or changes to returning website visitors (Origination and Featured dates are listed under the content title).  Navigate to this page by clicking “Updates” within the lower right menu options or entering in your browser address window.

About Page Publication

Originated: 03/29/2023 - Featured: 03/29/2023 by Rick Romain

Webpage –

This webpage presents the history, leadership and current focus of Technology Coordinators, LLC highlighting recent positive outcomes of advocacy services provided to Casa Grande Union High School District, Lake Havasu Unified School District and the City of Sedona.

About (Technology Coordinators, LLC Home Page)

Technology Coordinators, LLC (TC) was founded in 1999 by Ed Schaffer who had been serving as an advocate for the public sector since 1987 establishing a reputation of serving the best interests of schools and their communities.  Under his leadership, TC helped develop “Time of Use” rate plans for schools served by Arizona Public Service and UniSource Energy Services companies.  As its core advocacy offering, TC conducted extensive electric, gas, water, sewer, refuse and master meter pipeline safety surveys for school Excess Utility Reports, which were utilized for ARS §15‑910.03 and Arizona Corporation Commission regulatory compliance. Today, TC is led by Rick Romain who originally joined the team in 2009 due to his unparalleled experience in the Arizona solar industry.  That experience originated in 1982 when he founded So‑Luminaire Electronics, Incorporated (SEI) which developed and manufactured advanced technology energy generation, utilization, conversion and management products.  Covered by several U.S. patents, SEI’s products were delivered to alternative energy markets for commercial, schools, government and residential consumers.  Experienced with all energy investment stakeholder concerns representing developer, owner and customer, TC advocacy identifies opportunities to bring these interests together in a symbiotic relationship to deliver superior results for schools in Arizona.  Most recently, TC is leading efforts to rescue existing, under-performing projects with the same philosophy.  Subsequently, TC reports and analysis are becoming recognized standards for the industry. As a result of TC advocacy in whole or in part, Casa Grande Union High School District identified a significant shortfall of economic performance with their 3rd Party Solar Service Agreement (SSA) and successfully obtained a settlement with their SSA provider, Constellation Solar Arizona LLC.  As part of the settlement in January 2019, Constellation Solar agreed to rebate $250,000 for the approximately 5 years of solar power transactions per the SSA to date and would continue to rebate $50,000 every year thereafter while the SSA remains in effect, which has a 20 year term.  Likewise, TC advocacy helped the City of Sedona identify a significant shortfall with their 3rd Party SSA, which resulted in Sun Edison Government Solutions paying $375,000 to settle a suit filed by the City of Sedona in the Yavapai Superior Court of Arizona.  On the opposite side of the ownership model, TC advocacy helped the Lake Havasu Unified School District design, finance, construct, commission and operate four grid-tied solar photovoltaic cogeneration plants since 2013 that continue to meet or exceed economic performance expectations. Technology Coordinators commitment to personalized unparalleled energy investment and technology advocacy is indeed second to none.  Give us a call today to see how we can help you with your success!

Nikola Tesla – The Battle of the Currents

Originated: 12/14/2016 - Featured: 03/27/2023 by Kaley Romain (DOMAIN)

Video (~ 7 minutes) –

Presented while attending the 5th grade, I reviewed Nikola Tesla’s contribution to the use of alternating current (AC) as the foundation of today’s electrical grid in lieu of Thomas Edison’s direct current (DC).

Nikola Tesla - The Battle of the Currents

Fifth Grade School Presentation

Nikola Tesla Report

Solar Electric Post Commissioning Performance Evaluation

Originated: 09/09/2014 - Featured: 03/27/2023 by Rick Romain

Video (~ 21 minutes) –

At the September 9th, 2014 regular meeting of the Lake Havasu Unified School Board, Technology Coordinators presented the economic and objective performance audits conducted over the past approximately six months of operating their grid-tied solar photovoltaic electric co-generation plants at the District Offices, High School Performance Arts and Library facilities.

Solar Electric Post Commissioning Performance Evaluation

LHUSD 6 Month Post Commissioning School Board Update

Post Commissioning Evaluation

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Economic Performance vs Acceptance & Adoption

Originated: 03/04/2019 - Featured: 03/27/2023 by Kaley Romain (DOMAIN)

Research Webpage –

Presented while attending the 8th grade, I researched and published a paper about the relationship between solar photovoltaic (PV) economic performance and its adoption acceptance with a focus on public domain projects.

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Economic Performance vs Acceptance & Adoption

Eighth Grade Research Challenge by Kaley Romain


There are countless calls to action to mitigate climate change caused by human activities, but supporters of those calls must acknowledge any action that requires significant sacrifice must be justified and will be subjected to a level of scrutiny commensurate to the sacrifice.


While everyone retains the right to their opinion about PV solar electricity and may pursue its use how they see fit within the rule of law for their private domain, the public domain requires a level of consensus.


While the preceding examples demonstrate a reduction of the overall increases of cost for their PV solar electricity, it is unlikely skepticism about the technology or confidence in the administrations of these entities has experienced the same degree of improvement.


Because PV solar generated power is not available twenty-four hours per day, accounts utilizing PV electricity as an alternative must rely on firm power available from their local utility when the solar system cannot provide all the needed energy at any given moment.


Overvaluation of PV electricity rose out of an inappropriate methodology and evaluation of the same.


Annual PV electricity escalators have been promoted by solar developers and providers. Conceptually, escalators are intended to represent local utility rate inflation. When promoting a PV solar electricity contract, a vendor will sometimes request an annual PV kilowatt hour cost escalator be included in order to entice investors to finance the project.


Lastly, Arizona Corporation Commission law, rules and regulations create circumstances that require accounts to sell unused PV kilowatt hours back to their local utilities at slightly below wholesale rates, which are one sixth to one third the amounts paid to purchase the power from the PV solar provider.


Fortunately, these pitfalls are easily avoided with proper due diligence by qualified individuals, which ideally are directly and only responsible to the public entity.


Earnest attention to detail will reveal the fitness for consideration of any public domain PV solar project.


“Casa Grande Solar Agenda.” BoardDocs® PL, 3 Apr. 2018, sourced from:

Davenport, Debra K. “Gila Bend USD Solar Report.” AZ Auditor General, Aug. 2011, sourced from:

“City, firm settle $375K lawsuit” Sedona Red Rock News, 1 Mar. 2019, sourced from:

“School District Alert – Solar Power Contracts.” AZ Auditor General, July 2012, sourced from:

Smathers, Heather. “CGUHSD to Get $250K Rebate on Solar Panels.”, 18 May 2018, sourced from:

“U.S. Energy Information Administration – EIA – Independent Statistics and Analysis”, 5 Mar. 2019, sourced from:

An Inherently Superior Paradigm Shift for Renewable Energy

Originated: 05/03/2022 - Featured: 03/27/2023 by Kaley Romain (DOMAIN)

Research Webpage –

Researched and presented while attending the 11th grade, this work explores the efficiency impact of converting direct current (DC) electricity, naturally produced by solar photovoltaic generation (PV) to alternating current (AC) for distribution to a different location and subsquently converting the same back to DC for the purposes of recharging a battery or powering semiconductor devices.  Based on my findings, I outlined a new framework for PV propagation that would enjoy an inherently superior economic outcome and therefore, complement existing efforts to enhance PV’s contribution to quality of life improvements.

An Inherently Superior Paradigm Shift for Renewable Energy

High School AP Capstone Research Project by Kaley Romain



In the United States, the first electric car, an 1890 six passenger electrified wagon with a top speed of 14 miles per hour, sparked an interest in electric vehicles. That interest led to electric cars representing ⅓ of all vehicles on the road by 1900 with continued strong sales over the next 10 years. With the enthusiasm experienced over 100 years ago, one would anticipate an overwhelming presence of electric vehicles (EVs) in modern society. To the contrary, electric vehicle presence in the market has declined to virtual obscurity.


To explain the limited propagation of these functionally and objectively related technologies, EV (representing power consumption) and PV (representing power generation) with batteries (representing power storage) being the factor that connects them, we must evaluate their historical and current deployment paradigms while exploring the potential for new or alternate approaches that would create cumulative propagation improvements.


In consideration of the exponential year-over-year growth, aggressive promotion, investment incentives, competitive energy disincentives and dire environmental messaging to date the question would be, regardless of the justification for their pursuits, is a 10% market share for EVs and a 0.46% market share for PV generation indicative of a policy that has or will achieve a compelling saturation of these technologies in the U.S.?



The catalyst that triggered PV’s transition from a scientific curiosity to useful functionality worthy of production was its ability to generate electrical power where it is difficult at best to acquire. Space, the impetus of the symbiotic marriage of EV in the form of satellites and PV solar electricity, is not the defining scope for this inherently superior context. As the economics of PV improved, driven by its production for space operations, opportunities on Earth took root with powering remotely located, electrically powered functions.



While this research did not seek to quantify how much of the 130 billion kilowatt-hours produced by PV generation plants in 2020 was converted to AC power and inevitably converted back to DC power to charge batteries, it does seek to quantify the reduction in efficiency caused by the additional conversion. The initial hypothesis is reducing electrical conversions required to charge batteries will reduce power losses and create an opportunity to improve the economics of the process.


Referring to the block diagram below (Fig. 1), the components utilized are as follows:

1. System 1 - PV 0-70VDC to Battery 12VDC Charging System

  • Solar DC Source – (2) Grape Solar Model CS-S-180-DJ 180 Watt Modules
  • DC Charge Controller – Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 150/35
    • Efficiency specification: Maximum 98%

2. System 2 – Battery 23-25VDC to 120VAC to Battery 12VDC Charging System

  • Battery DC Source – (2) Concorde AGM Battery Model PVX-2120 12VDC
  • DC to AC Inverter – Victron Energy Phoenix Model 24/250 Inverter
    • Efficiency specification: Maximum 88%
  • AC to DC Charger – Victron Energy Blue Smart Model 12V Charger
    • Efficiency specification: 94%

3. Destination Battery Storage

a. Battery DC Destination – (1) Concorde AGM Battery Model PVX-2120 12VDC

Test Configuration Diagram


According to the original equipment manufacturer’s specification for the devices used, with the exception of the circuit related losses that are reasonably balanced for both test configurations, System 1 should expect a maximum of ~98% efficiency (minimum ~2% loss) and System 2 should expect a maximum of ~83% efficiency (minimum ~17% loss {94% of the power from the inverter derived from 88% of the power from the ~24VDC series batteries}).



With the percentage of power loss charted on the left Y axis, the input power charted on the right Y axis over the passage of time in the X axis, the following conclusions can be made for the “high power mode” (Fig. 2) and “low power mode” (Fig. 3) respectively:’

In high power mode

System 1

  • input power between 265-270 watts (dark green line by right Y axis)
  • conversion loss percentage 8-10% (light green line by left Y axis)

System 2

  • input power between 305-315 watts (dark blue line by right Y axis)
  • conversion loss percentage 38-41% (light blue line by left Y axis)


  • System 2 incurred a minimum of 28% to a maximum of 33% additional loss of performance as a result of the extra conversion process (red line by left Y axis)

High Power Mode
Fig. 2. 9am – 10:36:24pm power loss and input power in “high power” mode.

In low power mode

System 1

  • input power between 140-145 watts (dark green line by right Y axis)
  • conversion loss percentage 8-10% (light green line by left Y axis)

System 2

  • input power between 65-70 watts (dark blue line by right Y axis)
  • conversion loss percentage 28-31% (light blue line by left Y axis)


  • System 2 incurred a minimum of 18% to a maximum of 23% additional loss of performance as a result of the extra conversion process (red line by left Y axis)

Low Power Mode
Fig. 3. 4pm – 12:36:44pm power loss and input power in “low power” mode.

System 1 from Zero to Maximum Power

Finally, System 1 was operated independently to observe its efficiency from zero to maximum power input as represented by the March 24th, 2022 charts below (Fig. 4-7 Quarters):

Sunrise Through 10:32:58 AM

Sunrise to10:32:58 AM

10:32:58 AM Through Solar Noon

10:32:58 AM to Solar Noon

Solar Noon Through 2:32:58 PM

Solar Noon to 2:32:58 PM

2:32:58 PM Through Sunset

2:32:58 PM to Sunset


The results provided demonstrate the designed for purpose performance of the solar charge controller, which confines its power efficiency losses between ~8-13% throughout its broad nominal operating range.


Inherently superior applies to any context, which includes the user. In this context, the paradigm shift is directed toward adapting technology to its users rather than forcing the reverse.


As previously stated, conclusions of this exercise are intended to promote renewable energy technology propagation through unique or unleveraged opportunities that may be lost in the forest of the environmental and public policy promotions of the last two decades. By discovering, developing, and delivering unique inherently superior opportunities atypical of the industry that produce an increase in usability, performance, desirable economic outcome, and other advantages, the market share of the same would likely experience a significant increase since pursuing the same would not discourage those who are already committed to the benefits, namely environmental, currently promoted in the U.S. and abroad.


[1] S. Denby, T. Purdy, A. Williard, J. Sherrington, G. Haerther, and S. Buckmaster, “The Electric Vehicle Charging Problem,” Youtube, 09-Feb-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].
[2] “Electricity in the U.S. – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA),” Independent Statistics and Analysis – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].
[3] “Photovoltaics and electricity – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA),” Independent Statistics and Analysis – U.S. Energy Information Administration. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].
[4] “Electric vehicles and hybrids surpass 10% of U.S. light-duty vehicle sales,” Independent Statistics and Analysis – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].
[5] Iea, “Policies to promote electric vehicle deployment – Global EV Outlook 2021 – Analysis,” IEA, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].
[6] S. Gouchoe, V. Everette, and R. Haynes, “Case studies on the effectiveness of state financial incentives for Renewable Energy,” Subcontractor Report, Sep. 2002.
[7] F. Mormann, “Clean Energy Equity,” May 2019. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].
[8] S. Caldwell, “3.0 power,” NASA. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].
[9] J. N. DiStefano, “Inside Amazon’s largest warehouse – where you’ll find more robots than people,”, 19-Oct-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2022].

Self Funding Energy Project Success

Originated: 04/09/2015 - Featured: 03/27/2023 by Rick Romain

Video (~ 45 minutes) –

Discussing self-funded energy investment ventures for the public sector, the presenters outline key considerations for successful projects at the Arizona Association of School Business Officials 2015 Spring Conference in Laughlin, Nevada.


Elaine “Missy” Wood Director of Business Services
Lake Havasu Unified School District
Ed Schaffer Technology Coordinators, LLC
Managing Member
Rick Romain Technology Coordinators, LLC
Consulting Engineer
Matt Vaccaro Climatec Energy Services
Senior Account Executive

Self Funding Energy Project Success

Arizona Association of School Business Officials Conference Presentation



